RUN WILD Race Series 2021
Get down and dirty with us over race distances of 5km, 10km and 21km.
Event Dates
RUN WILD 1 - 28TH FEB 2021
RUN WILD 2 - 16TH MAY 2021 (Registration Open NOW)
Run Wild Organisers Response to COVID-19:
Run Wild @ Sarimbun Scout Campsite
The following outlines the Safe Management Measures to be adopted and implemented by the Run Wild organisers (FatBurd Events) at Sarimbun Scout Campsite, in accordance with the requirements as advised by The Ministry of Health (MOH) and SportSG.
Race Introduction:
RUN WILD is a traditional 5 / 10 / 21 km foot race event whereby participants will complete a fixed loop to accumulate their registered race distance. This is not a virtual event.
Key event characteristics:
Participants choose their distance; either 5km, 10km or 21km run.
Participants follow a fixed route for each event.
Participants start and finish at fixed locations.
Participants start at a fixed time slot on RACE DAY in rolling waves of 8 people every 2 minutes.
Participants must follow all public health and safety instructions in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, communicated pre-event.
All participants must follow the following COVID-19 general guidelines:
A participant who feels unwell (i.e. fever, cough) should stay at home and not participate in the race.
If someone in a participant’s household has tested positive for the virus, the athlete should stay at home for a period of 14 days.
Participants should maintain good personal hygiene by regularly washing hands using soap and water or alcohol-based (at least 65–70%) hand sanitiser for 20 seconds.
Participants over 65 years old, and any person with compromised health conditions should take greater preventive measures.
Participants must comply with any public health and/or safety directions from the Run Wild staff, representatives, crew, volunteers health authorities or other government authorities.
Participants must comply with health safety screening and contact tracing activities by methods selected by Run Wild | FatBurd Events | The Abyss.
Participants must scan in and out using the Trace Together app or Trace Together token for contact tracing in relation to the potential spread of COVID-19.
Participants must adhere to a 2-metre safe distance from others at the start and finish points, in the corral (holding) areas and during the event.
Participants must wear a safety face mask at all times prior to the start and after the finish.
Athletes reported to ignoring safe distancing measures on the course or at the venue will be disqualified and asked to leave the location with immediate effect.
The health and well-being of our participants, crew and volunteers, and ensuring the safe delivery of the events are our utmost priorities. We are constantly monitoring the situation and will regularly update plans according to the guidelines of Singapore’s Ministry of Health.
The following extra precautionary steps will be implemented to ensure the safety of all our Run Wild participants to comply with Singapore Government regulations.
We would appreciate your best cooperation to support and abide by the measures listed below:
Arrive at the venue at the time communicated on the Events Schedule.
Do not arrive earlier than your arrival time communicated on the Event Schedule.
Do your warm-up away from the venue.
Download the Trace Together app or use the Trace Together token for check-in and out (Apple users download; Android users download).
You must stay 2 metres away from other participants, volunteers and crew at all times before, during and after the race.
Once registration is complete follow a clearly marked route to the assigned corral (holding) area.
Maintain a safe distance of 2m between each participant while in the corral (holding) area.
Racers will be ushered to the start line in groups of 8 where participants will be flagged off every 2 minutes.
Must wear a face mask prior to, and immediately after your race.
Please do not linger at the finish line or in the venue after you finish your race. Participants will need to exit the venue as soon as is feasibly possible after their event.
You must comply with any public health and/or safety directions of Run Wild organising staff; ambassadors; police; or government or health authorities during your race.
Please don’t hug, high five or shake hands with any other athletes. Physical contact is strongly discouraged.
No spectators are allowed at the event.
Please also adhere to the general Covid-19 guidelines:
If you feel unwell (i.e. fever, cough) please stay at home and do not participate in the race
If someone in your household has tested positive for the virus, please stay at home for a period of 14 days.
Maintain good personal hygiene by regularly washing hands using soap and water or alcohol-based (at least 65–70%) hand sanitiser for 20 seconds
If you are over 65 years old, or have a health condition please take greater preventive measures
In order to provide the safest experience for our participants, the following measures will be put in place:
Reinforcing Social Distancing in all elements of the event (please see above).
Participants are required to pick up their race kit/race bib and immediately exit the registration area to the assigned corral (holding) area.
Participants will be ushered to their wave start area in groups of 8, staying 2m apart from each other and at least 3 m apart from other groups of 8.
There should be no intermingling between groups of 8 before, during or after the event.
Athlete briefing information will be available digitally.
Hand-washing stations and sanitation stations around the venue for athletes, crew and volunteers will be readily available.
Frequently touched surfaces at race venue locations such as workstations, product distribution areas, tables and electronic devices will be cleaned regularly - with more frequency at the corral (holding) and registration areas.
All participants are required to bring their own hydration | water bottles | hydration belts/packs for the duration of their race. Hydration will NOT be provided by race organisers.
Results will be available online after the event, and awards will be available for collection or sent out to the winners after results have been announced.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to racing safely with everyone!