Welcome to FatBurd Fitness Bingo!

Staying healthy and active is an integral part of our physical health and wellbeing.

During the Singapore Circuit Breaker our mission pivoted from creating niche outdoor events to finding creative ways to motivate and remain connected with our community. Through 8 consecutive weeks of the Circuit Breaker, we put together a fun, achievable and challenging fitness circuit with 9 different exercises on EGG, CHICK and BURD BINGO cards.

Each week, we levelled up the intensity. After 8 weeks and a lot of sweat, strength and dedication - VOILA: 24 different fitness routines for your workout arsenal!

Check out our WILDLY popular FatBurd Fitness BINGO cards.

Not sure how to properly attempt some of the exercises? No worries! We have included a few references videos to ensure proper form.




It all begins with the desire to stay healthy, active and strong. Sometimes, we require a little inspiration and the help of professionals to model how things are done correctly! Use these videos as a reference for understanding proper form for (some) FatBurd Fitness BINGO exercises.